Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Our Growing Family

Well, since I last wrote A LOT has happened. Our computer crashed (Thanks to Hugh we are back in action :)!) School has started...
And we found out we are having a baby. August 8th we took the 1st test. It was positive. We decided we would wait a week and take another one just to make sure, SO 2 days later we took another one (we just couldn't wait) and it was positive too! The doctor was called, appointments were set up and I picked up my 1st book to learn more about our growing fetus. When we found out I was 5 weeks pregnant.. I read that our baby was the length of a tip of a pen. In the past 5 weeks it has grown to be the size of quarter...I have truly been blessed, I have not had one ounce of morning sickness throughout the past 10 weeks. I feel great. I feel tired, hungry, and I've heard I can be kinda cranky sometimes, but I hear this is all normal!
2 weeks ago we went to the doctor and we heard the heartbeat of our baby for the first time. We saw its little arms, and spine. My favorite part about being in that doctor's office that day was watching Brandon's face when we saw our baby for the 1st time. That is something I will never forget.

Sometime around April 9th we will become parents. It will no longer just be the 4 of us- Manny and Sam included. There will be 5. 2 grown adults madly in love trying to get enough sleep to function, 2 animals that don't understand why they can't jump all over the little thing laying in the floor, and 1 baby. This could get interesting :)

Hope you enjoy the 1st belly pics! If that is how big it is at 10 weeks.. can you imagine 40??