Monday, October 19, 2009


This morning @ 3:30 am Brandon set out on an adventure. He just landed in Orlando, Fl. He will be there for the next couple days at a work conference. He is staying at a beautiful resort. With a big pool and the sun. Actually I just got a picture text message from him. I guess he wanted to rub in the fact that he could see palm trees! Rude. :)
Brandon leaving was a lot harder than I thought it was going to be. We have only been married for a little over 4 months (136 days to be exact), but I have grown so close to him. He is my second half, and I love him more than I ever thought I could. 
I have never been very good at goodbyes. It is something that my family has always struggled with, and this being the first time Brandon and I have been apart in 4 months... well, lets just say the goodbye this morning was not good. Packing the bag last night wasn't good. Talking about him leaving a week ago wasn't good. :) I might be a little dramatic! (Bran tells me this all of the time.) BUT it is only out of my love for him. 
God is making us grow. He is forcing us out of our comfort zone in many ways. I have felt this way ever since I started this semester in school. In the past 4 months I have accomplished more in school than I ever thought I could. I have grown, and I do believe that God is showing us the path we need to take. We are waiting with patience(most days) as he slowly shows us the attitudes and the desires of our hearts that need to change. I know that we aren't ready to hear what God wants us to do. I think if he revealed our path to us now we would doubt and be afraid. The time is coming though. We will do big things.      

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