Wednesday, June 15, 2011


Well, I guess my little girl is going to be an early-riser this week. We were up at 5:00 this morning!

In her defense she felll asleep on our run last night around 7:00, and during the night she slept six hours straight!!! She is getting so big.

So after playing in the floor for a few hours, eating breakfast, and cuddling: we both went down for a nap. Unlike yesterday I only achieved one thing before 8:00AM this morning. I put one load of laundry in the washer and as of right now (10:30) it is still sitting in the washer waiting for me to switch it over.

I did however enjoy the best-two-hour-nap I have ever had. I feel like I got another night of sleep!

Get a nap in today. 

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