Tuesday, July 5, 2011

July Goals

The month of July is going to be full of failures and successes just like every month in the year. The month of July is going to be full of hard work and sweat. The month of July is going to be full of hot days and mosquito bites. The month of July will be great.

This weekend I spent some time coming up with some goals for the month of July. Here area few:

One. Complete Sarah’s water challenge.

Two. Run 8 miles straight by July 31st.

Three. Track my calorie count on myfitnesspal every day.

Four. Weight in the 140's by August 1st.

I am going to have to work hard this month to keep going on my journey. I don’t plan on giving up or quiting anytime soon.

Set goals today.


  1. I checked out myfitnesspal! Love it- def starting to use it :)You don't realize how much you eat until you see it.

    Our goals have been put on the back burner due to Patrick's teeth getting out and his knee. By the end of July we should be running 6 miles 3 days a week... I hope!

    Keep it up Meg! I know Brandon and Liv are super proud of you!

  2. So proud of you! Keep pressing on! Love you!

  3. wow~! look at you! 8 miles!? My husband is a runner he runs like 10+ I walk :) keep up the good work!
