Sunday, March 27, 2011

Weekend Update-His World

Happy Sunday to you all. No I am not Seth Meyers, Jimmy Fallon or Tina Fey. This week through me for a loop so I decided to surprise post today since I dropped the ball (kind of like Duke) on Thursday. Have you ever heard the expression "Time is passing before your eyes" (or something like that)? This has been our weekend. Sadly, Megs and I did not get to take that little weekend "Babymoon" trip we were hoping for. Maybe when Liv is in college and her brothers and sisters (yes plural, I doubt I will win the battle for only 2 kids) are too cool to hang out with M&D we can take that trip. Friday night we decided to finally check out the local diner here in town, just for a little nostalgia. So we cruised through the front door at our normal dining time of 6pm and were stunningly welcomed by gray hair, bifocals, rascal scooters and the evening news. Let's just say we brought the average age of the place down about 4 decades. Saturday we spent with Gramps staging their house for possible sale. Then it was off to the Masonic lodge for the district meeting and G-Grandpas 50 year service pinning. Yes, Saturday night with the local Mason's which again Momma and I brought the avg age down to around 35. Hey but thank you Mason's for some good second dinner!!! Now I know what the Mason's do and that "Every young man should be a part of it". Some couples do B&B's for the weekend or go camping. We just surround ourselves with Knowledge and Experience....Thanks Momma for a great weekend.
Surprise yourself today!!

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