Friday, November 18, 2011


Today I would like to ask for your prayers.

Today a beautiful young lady is having surgery.

Sarah, Casey (Sarah's-Sister-In-Law), and I forever again!

Her beautiful self, and her boyfriend Jarrod!

Just a few short days ago this beautiful, smart, amazing girl got sick. Ms. Sarah-Such-A-Joy-Shelton was taken to the ER on Sunday night for a severe headache. The Doctors did a CAT scan and they unfortunately found a tumor on her brain stem.

The mass is composed of three types of tumors: one is calcified and the other two appear to be active. They are close to the surface and are on the right side of the medulla. The area that they will separating it from controls balance, facial control, and breathing.

Please pray for my sweet friend and her wonderful family today.

**On a lighter note, check out another great give-a-way that is happening over here**

1 comment:

  1. praying for your friend! Praying for the wisdom of the Doctors to get out what they need to get out...praying for peace over her and her family...and a fast and speedy recovery!
