Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Elephants & Sock Monkeys

Alivia has no-earthly-idea what she is getting herself into. I am sure she has figured out in the past 28 weeks that her mother is crazy, but I am not quite sure she understands exactly how crazy I actually am. I know one day she will figure it out, but until then I will take advantage of how naive my little girl will be.

I am not sure if this nursery thing is so hard for me because I am going to school to become a designer... one would think that would make it easier, but it hasn't. Not even a little bit. I hope that within approximately the next 85 days I can figure out what I want. Because ready or not in April we will be bringing a little princess home to her room.

I know two things for sure. There will be Elephants and Sock Monkeys involved.

Be -crazy- today.


  1. I LOVED my sock monkey when I was a little girl! My grandma made them for all the grand kids. Alivia is going to love hers, I'm sure of it!

  2. So, I saw some Pink Sock monkies in the valentine's day section at wal-mart today and thought of Alivia!
